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Smart Eyes
The commencement of the pioneering research program SmartEyes, was announced today by the Telecommunications Laboratory of the Aristotle University in Thessalonica and the sponsoring companies, COSMOTE, Microsoft Hellas and Geomatics.
Libya - Aerial Survey for the New Motorway Route from Al Marj to Tunis Border with Connection to Benghazi.
Geomatics undertakes the aerial survey of the New Motorway Route from Al Marj to Tunis Border with Connection to Benghazi in Libya - Total length 1.300 KM
Aerial photography and production of digital orthophotos in Bulgaria
Geomatics undertakes the project "Actualization of digital color orthophotomaps in Bulgaria for the years 2010-2011" as a member of Consortium "GMK - GEOMATICS SA-MAPEX SJC-KUDU EOD"
Geomatics' security clearance certification
Geomatics is receiving security clearance certification in accordance with the National Regulation for Industrial Security